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Talan partner of Denodo Datafest

Talan was a partner of Datafest, organised by Denodo, the Data Virtualisation specialists

Although this Agile Data Management and Analytics Conference took place in London, it was live-streamed around the world, reaching hundreds of participants.

Over 15 sessions were organised to allow participants to learn about business transformation with multi-cloud and hybrid era, to understand why leading organizations think data virtualization is a must-have technology in their portfolio and how data virtualization propels innovation with next-gen data management and integration strategy.

Leading subject-matter and industry experts shared best practices and insights on how to bring agility to the cloud, big data and self-service initiatives. Among them, Vinay Hegde, Head of CLM & Intelligent Automation at Talan UK, spoke on a panel about “Tackling Compliance with Data Virtualisation,” with a focus on Data Lake and Governance.

In the UK, Talan is continuing to build a strong data practice, and this event was a fantastic opportunity to share our expertise and know-how with cross-industry data experts and specialists, as well as to hear more about the latest innovations in Data from industry leaders. Talan UK values its strong partnership with Denodo, as they allow the opportunity to offer the very best to clients. Talan was proud to support this fantastic event, to continue to build on the momentum & team spirit of this partnership.

datafest talan denodo

talan denodo datafest

If you have missed our Denodo event last july, click here