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My life as a consultant, my assignments at Talan UK, by Ines Costa Dobarro

I have been working in the financial sector for 3 years, mostly on quantitative, analytics and data science topics. Since last year, I joined a bank in London developing trading applications to assist and develop the credit and rates businesses.

  1. Can you present your career in a few lines?

I have been working in the financial sector for 3 years, mostly on quantitative, analytics and data science topics. Since last year, I joined a bank in London developing trading applications to assist and develop the credit and rates businesses.

  1. What are the different projects you are working on at Talan?

The projects are rather miscellaneous. As an example, I contributed last year as a joined venture with the quants department to migrating to a pricing library and help the trades with the reconciliation. Currently, I develop a smart algorithm enabling to dynamically build a portfolio of bonds based on a set of market parameters.

  1. What 3 words would you use to introduce Talan?

Opportunity: Talan provides excellent resources to develop our skills and reach our professional objectives within the company.

Diversity: At Talan we all have different backgrounds, experiences, and ideas, yet we are always encouraged to share our thoughts.

Innovative: Our clients trust Talan's expertise to both create cutting edge solutions from scratch and improve already existing processes.

  1. What has been your most memorable moment at Talan UK?

The last team gathering in a mini golf venue. I had the opportunity to meet more consultants and we had a very good time.

  1. Who inspires you most in life? Why?

I feel inspired by all women pioneering in fields that have historically been male dominated an open the way to others. Their effort breaking barriers is key towards a gender equal society.