Ethics & Compliance

Code of conduct
The Code of Conduct reasserts the commitment of the TALAN Group to legal compliance, social and environmental responsibility and formalizes the rules of conduct and best practices regarding business ethics, in particular the protection of the TALAN Group's assets, but also the fight against corruption and influence peddling. The principles set forth in this Code of Conduct establish guidelines for our actions and behavior, consistent with the TALAN Group's ethical and social policies. It is the responsibility of each and every one of us to read the Code and assimilate its rules and concepts, as well as to exercise good judgment and common sense in dealing with the various situations that may arise in our day-to- day activities.
Click here to download our Code of Conduct
Gift and invitation
Our Gifts and Invitations Policy is intended to help the TALAN Group employees make the right decisions when considering to offer or accept a gift or invitation in the course of their activities and to comply with the TALAN Group's ethical and social policies and anti-corruption laws.
Click here to download our Gifts and invitation policy
Internal whistleblowing system
Any employee of the TALAN Group or third party in a business relationship with the TALAN Group may use the Internal Whistleblowing System. The Internal Whistleblowing System guarantees the strict confidentiality of the whistleblower’s identity, the facts alleged in the whistleblowing report, the persons concerned by the whistleblowing report and the protection of personal data.