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Talan Switzerland successfully obtains ISO 9001:2015 certification

Talan Switzerland has been recertified with the world’s most recognized Quality Management System Standard.

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Previously obtained in 2017 and valid for 3 years, our recertification demonstrates that delivering quality service is of paramount importance to us. We have shown an established and systematic approach to quality management, and our ISO 9001 recertification ensure our clients can trust us to consistently provide services that:

  • Meet their needs and expectations
  • Comply with applicable regulations

We have three types of processes to ensure the delivery of quality service: management, realization and support.
Each of these have approximately 50 internal processes which precisely describe the operation and management of the activity. Quality indicators are defined at the beginning of the year and monitored quarterly by the management team. Roughly thirty indicators are measured in this way. The analysis of these indicators enables corrective actions to be defined, the effectiveness of which is measured during the next management review.

The company's quality manual defines the total quality system implemented as well as its governance. The certification is delivered for 3 years and is subject to annual reviews by the certifying body.

The ISO 9001:2015 certification brings multiple benefits to the Talan Switzerland, including consistent outcomes which are continuously measured and monitored, enhanced internal management, and improved customer retention and acquisition. Moreover, at the level of large groups or major public institutions and when this certification is not a prerequisite, it helps our clients to be confident that Talan Switzerland work to standards and procedures that provides them with the highest standard of customer service.


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