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The first year we opened in Malaga, we doubled the size of Talan Spain

We spoke with Pablo Alifano, CEO of Talan in Spain, Poland, and LATAM, about why this French technology company decided to come to Málaga.

The French technology company Talan, present in 21 countries, opened its Spanish branch in 2018 in Madrid with just one person and one client. In 2022, they arrived at Málaga TechPark, from where they have significantly expanded in the country.

"We aim to reach over 250 employees in Spain next year, most of them in Málaga,"

announces Pablo Alifano, CEO of Talan in Spain, Poland, and LATAM.

What is Talan?
Talan is a partner for the digital transformation of large companies. Currently, we offer professional services for application development, we have data specialists, and we are integrators of the leading software in the market. We also have a specialized group in ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), Hydrogen, and Supply Chain consulting.

And what do you do in Málaga?

The same, plus providing digital transformation services to other countries. One reason we came to Málaga was the local talent, and we can attract talent from many parts of the world. The city is still more cost-competitive than Madrid, Barcelona, Paris, or London, so we can attract highly qualified personnel and offer competitive costs to our European clients.

Do you also work with other countries from Madrid?

Yes, but with much more volume from Málaga. In fact, we currently have more people in Málaga than in Madrid. In total, in Spain, we are 170 people, and around 100 are here in Málaga.

Why Málaga?

I've known Málaga for 10 years. At that time, my wife worked at Opplus; she told me about the TechPark. Since then, I've always had the idea of doing something in Andalusia. So, I decided to come in 2021 alone; we didn't even have an office. We started working with quite a few clients, and it has been a success.

What are your next plans in the city?

To continue growing, especially with European clients, taking advantage that technology is more competitive than in other parts of Europe. The first year we opened in Málaga, we doubled the size of Talan Spain due to this office, and in the second year, which was 2023, we grew by 70%. For next year, we aim to have more than 250 employees in Spain, most of them in Málaga.

Is Málaga a good place to work?

Absolutely. I've worked in Argentina, Mexico, the UK, Madrid... and the best place to live and work for me is Málaga. Not only for the quality of life; the city also has infrastructure that allows you to work like the TechPark, an airport with direct flights, the University of Málaga, or Campus 42, which is one of our main local partners for finding talent.

How do you rate your experience with Málaga Open For Business?

Excellent. They really help to develop the business. The great ecosystem that exists between the City Council, the University, and the companies is something I haven't seen elsewhere. This was also one of the reasons I liked Málaga so much.

The City Council of Málaga, through its Málaga Open For Business Office, is committed to helping international companies establish offices in Málaga.

What does it do?

  • Promotes the image of Málaga as a business, innovation, and technology destination.
  • Offers consulting services to companies and investors interested in Málaga.
  • Facilitates integration through "soft-landing" services for companies and employees coming to the city.
  • Creates a community of international entrepreneurs and digital nomads to attract and retain talent.

If you want to join our team in Spain, discover all our open positions: